When you’re editing your own manuscript, you can’t be afraid of your mistakes. In fact, you might even want to make them a part of the text—so that readers can see exactly where they are. You can’t just erase them when you come across them, though—you should let them be. You should put them on the page and move on, instead of trying to hide them away in the back or replace them with ellipses (…). If you don’t think that leaving mistakes in your text is a good idea, ask yourself why. Isn’t it better to have something imperfect out there in the world than not to put it out at all?
According to book writers for hire, As long as you’re proud enough of your work to see it through no matter what happens, then I say go for it! For example, if there happens to be a typo in one of your chapters, you can just let it stay there. Readers get used to typos and will hopefully overlook them once they become accustomed to the way the sentence reads normally again.