Health Care Beliefs 

Health care beliefs in societies globally have made it difficult to provide patients with appropriate care and attention. Cultural systems have complicated the role played by nurses as primary caregivers. It is essential for them to learn how to manage such issues when dealing with the existence of cultural beliefs. Nurses have to play a great role in safeguarding the welfare of society members. Their central aim is targeted at reaching out to as many patients as possible. The existence of cultural issues should not bar their involvement as primary caregivers. Traditional cure, spirituality, and beliefs in evil spirits exist as popular healthcare beliefs in people of Irish, Italian, and Puerto Rican heritage. More information on this you may find on as well as many other interesting blogs.

Irish citizens believe in spirituality as a medication for diseases and related conditions. The practice has made some citizens neglect seeking medical care and attention, arguing that their spiritual beliefs are against it. Palliative care in people of Irish heritage has become hectic because of these spiritual views, making it hard for them to seek such services (Bodling, Heneghan, Walsh, Yoon, & Johnstone, 2014). Religion and spirituality influence access to health care among residents of Italy. Locals often associate diseases and death with such lifestyle elements as a diet and pollution among others (Romeo, Gallo, & Tagarelli, 2015). Thus, they would rather deal with their diets and pollutant factors than seek medical care. Among the Italians, pain is considered as evil and not natural. Additionally, they adopt the aspect of like cures like, where if a specific substance raises a health complication, a similar amount of it is viewed as a cure for the illness. Massage is also a common treatment method for long-term diseases, such as brain damage. Spirituality and religion take part in curing diseases among the people of Italy (Romeo et al., 2015). Additionally, traditional cures such as lemons and garlic are used to treat colds and high blood pressure respectively. Puerto Ricans rely on traditional medicines to cure diseases. Citizens of Puerto Rico also believe in evil spirits and consult spiritualists for medications. Puerto Rican doctors keep an open mind about their spirituality and encourage the same for dying patients (Soto-Espinosa & Koss-Chioino, 2016). Beliefs are integrated in personal and clinical practices. Patients thus neglect seeking clinical care. They device ways of dealing with diseases rather than seek medical help. A similarity between traditional cure used by residents of the three countries is that spirituality plays a great role.

The existence of cultural beliefs affects the delivery of healthcare. For example, Italians, Irish people, and Puerto Ricans experience the limited use of healthcare services. Locals believe in traditional medicines, evil spirits, and spirituality making it impossible to seek medical services. Professional nurses are bound to experience complications in delivering care and attention to those in need. Patients with severe illnesses may not seek medical care, and it increases the number of mortality rates resulting from the lack of proper care and attention. Further complications may emerge with the lack of appropriate care from nurses. Professional nurses need to be aware of the existence of such beliefs and formulate appropriate approaches. Community outreach and educative forums are examples of platforms a nurse can use to deal with such patients (DeSalvo & Parent, 2016). The primary aim is enlightening the latter about the relevance of primary care. Forums may change the attitude and perception of patients and make them seek primary care.

Popular health care beliefs among people of Irish, Italian, and Puerto Rican heritage have derailed the delivery of nursing care. The existence of cultural beliefs, such as traditional medicines to cure ailments, has made it difficult for nurses to provide care for patients. Notably, spirituality and beliefs in evil spirits have led the latter to consult religious groups and spirits in seeking cure. Professional nurses have a hard task when dealing with patients with these beliefs. Therefore, community outreach and educative forums approaches are relevant in such societies. Locals will benefit from nursing care through faster recovery.