The Difference Between Percentages and Percentiles andDiscoverassessment why it matters
Percentile vs Percentage
One can clearly draw the difference between percentage and percentile on the following grounds:
- Percentages refer to a mathematical value that can be stated as a fraction with a hundred as the denominator. On the contrary, the percentile is a point at or below which a particular percentage of measurements fall.
- Percentage denotes a rate, number, or amount, whereas percentile denotes a person’s place or status.
- The percentile is based on comparative score or performance, whereas the percentage is based on individual scores.
- When the denominator is 100, the percentage is employed to show fractional amounts as whole numbers. On the other hand, the percentile is used to show where the scores stand concerning other scores.
- Quartiles exist in the percentile since the dataset is divided into 100 equal pieces, but they do not exist in the percentage.