Chicago referencing style is predominantly used in the areas of history and other social sciences writing while citing the sources paper help. If you have zero experience with this style of referencing, yet your professor has asked you to prepare an assignment in this style, you need to learn the basics assignment writing service. This blog will help you get started with the Chicago style of referencing.
First of all, the Chicago style offers two options to format the references plagiarism checker. Depending on the instructions given by your professor, you will have to choose between the following two systems:
This system of Chicago referencing needs you to use the footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies to cite the sources assignment help. This version of Chicago referencing is majorly used in the field of history, literature, and art.
This Chicago referencing system uses in-text citations and bibliographies for referencing assignment help. It is more commonly used in the field of social science and sciences.
Since the most number of students prefer the "Notes and Bibliography" system over the "Author-Date" system, we will be focusing our discussion on "Notes and Bibliography" only Essay Writer.
How to Reference a Website in Chicago Style?
While creating the reference entry for a website in Chicago style, you need to gather major details about the source, including the author name(s), page title, website title, the date published or accessed, and the website address.
In notes:
Example: 1. James Peterson, “Serena Wins Her 9th GrandSlam,” CNBC, accessed December 21, 2008,
In bibliography:
Last Name, First Name of Author. “Page Title.” Website Title. Month Day, Date published or accessed. Web address.
Peterson, James. “Serena Wins His 9th GrandSlam,” CNBC, accessed December 21, 2008,
How to Reference a Book Using the Chicago Style?
The reference entry for a book in this particular style includes details such as the name(s) of the author, the title of the book, location of the published, name of the publisher, the publishing year, and the page range.
In Notes:
Example: 1. Ryan Cooper, The History of XYZ Culture (New York: Penguin, 2006), 15-22.
Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Year Published.
Example: Cooper, Ryan. The History of XYZ Culture. New York: Penguin, 2006.
Hopefully, now you have a significant idea about how to get started with Chicago referencing. So, best of luck!
Summary: Chicago style of referencing is widely used in the field of history and social sciences. If you have not cited any sources in this referencing style before, you can find all the basics of the Chicago style of referencing in this blog.