A Complete Guide for Research Paper Writing


The first thing that you must do before starting your research paper is read the research assignment carefully. If you have any confusion, clarify it straight away from your professor. Make sure to take note of the following things:


Now you need to pick up a research paper topic. Pick a topic that interests you so that you do not get off track during the research process. Narrow your topic as much as you can and you will find a unique topic without any hassle. You can also consider reading research papers, journal articles, and magazines to find inspiration for your research paper. 


Read as much as you can about your research topic and gather the required information. Clark, who works at write my paper services says, “See what people are saying about your topic, are there any debates to be addressed, or what is your take on the topic. Take notes properly and also keep a list of references for citation purposes.”


Once you have all the information about the research topic, you need to decide the central argument of your research paper. Use that central argument to form the thesis statement of your research paper. This thesis statement should: 



Many essay writing services suggest deciding which topics/ subtopics you will include in your research paper and creating an outline or a structure of your research paper. Divide your paper into different sections and state all the headings and subheadings properly. This structure is crucial before you start writing as it will keep you on track. 



Now, start writing your research paper. There is no restriction that you have to write the introduction first. It is not a descriptive essay. Start from wherever you like. Many students first complete the toughest parts of the paper which reduces half of their burden. Just take care of a few things:


Whenever you decide to write the introduction, make sure to write well since it is the first part of your paper. An introduction of a research paper should include the following:


Every paragraph of your research paper should be compelling. Many students get confused about how to organise the information in one paragraph, so here are some tips:


The conclusion is written to finalise your research paper. So it must emphasise the results or what you achieved out of your research. You may reinstate the main argument once again and specify whether you achieved your research goal or not.



Once you have completed your first draft, take a small break from your paper and then start again with a new perspective. Read your first draft and look for:


Take note that the second draft does not account for editing or proofreading your paper. It is all about refining what you have written. 



Raven, who provides assignment help in Australia, says, “the editing and proofreading part comes after you have completed the second draft. Now, your paper is complete, text-wise. It is time to revise it and look for any logical or language-related errors it may have.” Here’s a quick checklist for that:


With this 11-step guide, you can create an effective research paper in no time. In case you face any challenges in writing your paper, you must consult an assignment writing service and seek help from professionals.