How Do AI Essay Checkers Work? A Brief Glimpse Under The Hood

Have you ever used an automated online essay checker? Did you know that those essay checking tools use mighty cutting-edge AI models to check write-ups? Yes, those tools are perfect examples of artificial intelligence that operate at near-human levels of natural language understanding. If you are facing issues with your maths homework then you can take help of a Math Problem Solver.

If you are interested in learning more, this write-up offers some concise insights.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the branch of AI concerned with understanding, processing & generating natural human language. You can also get quality essays with the help of Essay Help services.

NLP combines computational linguistics with statistics, computational geometry, machine learning, and deep learning. Together, these aspects of NLP come to perform various tasks such as real-time translation, relevant content generation, voice-operated systems, digital assistants, speech-to-text dictation, spam detection, sentiment analysis, chatbots, etc. 

Here’s a simple overview of the generic NLP pipeline most online Best Essay Writing Service employ. 

Sentence Segmentation à Word Tokenization à Part of Speech Prediction For Every Token à Text Lemmatization à Identifying Stop Words à Dependency Parsing

Transfer Learning, BERT & ULMFiT 

Transfer learning came as a game changer in NLP. It is primarily a machine learning method where an ML model developed for a task can be used as a starting component for a model designed for a second task. 

It leverages prior knowledge from a particular domain onto a different domain & task. For NLP, transfer learning is hugely beneficial simply because models with linguistic & semantic expertise can come in extremely handy. Get Cheap Essay Writing Services from top experts and reduce your burden.

Two recent NLP models have successfully overcome all bottlenecks and implemented transfer learning. They are Google’s BERT and FastAI’s ULMFiT.

BERT: Google’s Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers model provides accurate results for most NLP tasks. The key technical innovation for BERT is the application of bidirectional training of the Transformer, a popular attention model, to language models. Attention models are deep learning mechanisms that focus on a particular component. 

ULMFiT: Developed by FastAI and the NUI Galway Insight Center, the Universal Language Model Fine-Tuning for Text Classification used inductive transfer learning in NLP. It is a potent and agile technique that can be applied to any NLP task. Additionally, the model introduces techniques to fine-tune other language models as well.

Well, that’s all the space we have for today. If you are interested in AI and NLP, brush up on your maths, stats, and coding skills. And, if you do not trust the results of AI essay checkers, then avail of professional essay or assignment help.