SHREVEPORT, LA - TechKinetic, LLC announces the issue of its first patent related to a proprietary automated tablegame system, marketed under the RateMate™ brand. The patent provides the company entry into the automated tablegame market, with a system that integrates with third-party applications in casinos to achieve a higher quantity and quality of data, while minimizing the total cost of implementation. Of particular note, the patent uniquely introduces self-service functionality to situs judi online at a tablegame.
“Our focus from the start was to design a comprehensive automated solution that is practical for the casino, extensible for developers, and adds real value for casino patrons”, says Anthony Beavers, the inventor of the system and president of the company. “Real value to casino patrons means more than simply achieving accurate player ratings. We sought out ways to dynamically enhance the overall patron experience, as well as improve a casino’s ability to collect better data.” The Abbacus Q484™ terminal device, Award P484™ electronic paddle system and Slate D364™ display are the first fruits of the company’s labor. The trio of devices allow casinos to maintain highly accurate player and table data in real-time, in addition to providing patron services such as self-service comps at the tablegame.
The Abbacus Q484™ terminal device, the flagship product, is mounted over the drop-slot of each tablegame, allowing a dealer to quickly start player ratings using exclusive PlayerPosition™ keys that are naturally mapped to the location of players at a particular style tablegame. Ratings are typically started with a card swipe and single PlayerPosition™ keystroke. Similarly, buy-ins are recorded with dollar accuracy using exclusive ChequeValue™ keys that are intuitively associated with standard casino cheque denominations (i.e. $1, $5, $25, $100, etc…). With the Abbacus™ family of terminal devices, a casino gains the ability to perform automated table maintenance functions, dollar accurate drop accounting and achieve 100% rating ratios. “For casino patrons, it means they’ll get the comps they deserve!” says Mr. Beavers.
The Award P484™, an electronic paddle used to push cash into a drop-box on a tablegame, extends the functionality of the system to significantly enhance customer service at a tablegame. The electronic paddle can be used by patrons to make marker requests, or order complimentary drinks and meals, in self-service fashion. The system could also be used to conduct ATM transactions and validate personal checks at the tablegame, as these buy-in methods become accepted.
The Slate D364™ display system provides automated wager management for tablegames and opportunities to elevate customer service further. Typically, the Slate™ displays current minimum wager information for the Togel Singaporetablegame. It also provides methods to post minimum wager changes, progressive jackpot totals, promotional media or other visual information. Regarding the implications of the system Mr. Beavers says, “Imagine being able to make a sports wager at the tablegame, and watching the actual outcome of the horserace or bowl game at the same tablegame. These are the possibilities we’re bringing to the gaming industry.” The Slate™ also provides detailed feedback to Abbacus™ and Award™ users to allow more complex services, such as making room reservations or redeeming comp-points for cataloged gift items.
Ultimately, RateMate™ brand Player Tracking Peripherals™ can be integrated with any service a casino operator or developer chooses to provide. The company is seeking key partners who are committed to developing reference implementations in several licensing categories. Key developer licensing opportunities are currently available for Player Tracking, Accounting, Time and Attendance, Beverage Dispenser, ATM, Cashless Betting, Sport Betting, Surveillance/CCTV Control and POS systems.
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