Human Growth and Development

Human growth and development is an interesting phenomenon to study. They occur in different components that constitute an adult person. These elements include emotional, psychological, physiological, psychosocial, and cognitive development. This nursing paper from delves into the details of the various components during adolescence period.

During the adolescence stage, the organs of the body begin developing to maturity. For instance, the reproductive organs become fully prepared and able to sustain reproduction. Females grow breasts and start experiencing their menstrual cycles (McNeely & Blanchard, 2009). Males develop deep voices, and their reproductive organs become able to sire children. Physiologically, in adolescence, key reproductive organs begin to take shape and support their functionality. Besides that, persons on this stage experience significant psychological issues. At this point, they start understanding the meaning of life. Individuals begin to set some standards for themselves mostly inspired by the values and rules of the society around them. They go through an identity crisis where they want to get a stable definition of themselves (McNeely & Blanchard, 2009). At this stage, adolescents might encounter depression anxiety and even suicidal tendencies.

When persons enter the adolescent stage, they become more independent and are not under strict and direct parental control. Individuals are therefore able to start interacting with the society freely. This cooperation majorly takes place at school. At this stage, they can start dating. Peer pressure is a significant psychosocial issue (McNeely & Blanchard, 2009). Youngsters begin comparing themselves as they struggle to find their identity. Emotional challenges may also arise while making independent relationships. Most adolescents can make sense of more issues in life just like adults. Their cognitive ability tends to be at the peak at this moment. They easily learn the latest technological innovations and can perform some adult tasks on their own.

In conclusion, adolescents’ growth and development have various components. All of the considered elements are essential for complete development. When one or more of these components are missing, one may be unhealthy or experience some form of a disorder. This is what requires a careful attention of parents, mentors, and healthcare specialists.


McNeely, C., & Blanchard, J. (2009). The teen years explained: A guide to healthy adolescent development. Baltimore, MD: Center for Adolescent Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health