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Kma Rtp

875 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Kma Rtp 875 days ago
Kma R In 2005, Todd and partners developed the technology of screen taping an entire poker tournament, complete with voice over, explaining in detail every move and bet Todd would make. Now players could watch a library of Casino Malaysia tourneys, frezzeouts, heads up matches and sit-n-goes to develop their game.
At Paradise Poker Todd plays as NSXT2 and at PokerStars his handle is DiabloVT. Pull up a chair, flip on your computer, rail his play, and say hello. He enjoys chatting with all levels of poker players anytime, anywhere. Just don’t call him a donkey when he wins with 69 suited. So far, he’s having the last hee haw.
875 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Kma Rtp 875 days ago
Kma R “So when does it make sense to not play tight early on in a tourney? I play situational poker. So, if I see my table is very tight and just ‘waiting for cards’, then I pressure them and pick up those small pots. Accumulation is important at any level.”
Poker Young guns Michael Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Daniel Negreanu and many other pros play hyper-aggressive poker with documented success. Todd feels aggressive play and dropping into Casino Malaysia is the only way to approach tournament play.
 It may sound confusing and complicated, but it’s very critical. It is the key thing you need to learn to become an effective accumulator and make the final table with a chance to win.”
FOXSports.com: Could you take us through the different stages of your tournament play; beginning, middle and end play?
Todd Arnold: I think at all points of tournament, you adjust your game according to situations. I don’t believe in a set ’schedule’ of behavior like tight early or loose late. You should never have a plan like that. Tournaments are about recognizing opportunities and taking advantage of them at any stage throughout. The more you recognize and act upon each situation, the more chips you will accumulate.
FS.com: Could you share some of your thinking concerning playing an opponents stack as opposed to your cards?
TA: Playing the stacks is VERY important. Use your stack size to your advantage always. Use the stack amounts to help you read strengths of hands also. Always keep a good awareness of each of your opponents’ stacks. Understand how they got to that amount, whether high or low, and use this to determine their mindset. This will help you read their hand ranges. I look at chip stacks as units ock with my stack. I avoid the short stacks and other big stacks without a good hand.
f leverage. Any excess I have over my opponent, I can use to aggress against himam careful whom to 

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