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Mohammad Fahad Alam

987 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Mohammad Fahad Alam 987 days ago
Mohammad A Tips for a Better Website
Your website is a reflection of your business, so it's important to make sure that it shows off your work in the best possible light. But if you've been around for a while, you've probably made some tweaks here and there without really thinking about what they do or how they affect the way people view your site. 
You might have even hired an inexperienced web designer who didn't really understand the first thing about SEO. 
To help you out, we're sharing a few quick tips that will help you improve your site and take advantage of its potential as a tool for marketing your business.
It can be hard to know where to start when you're looking to improve your website. One big thing to think about: how will you keep the site updated? I
f your site is a hub for information that changes regularly, don't outsource it—you want to stay in control so that you can keep your site as up-to-date as possible. 
It's much more helpful for people who visit your site to find what they need at the moment than it is for them to get outdated information.
With WordPress, there are a couple of ways you can set it up so that you only have to update your most important pages in order for the changes to show up on all pages. 
If you're using a WordPress blog, this is easy—just make sure Blog>Posts>Update Automatically is checked and give yourself plenty of time between posts or have a system in place where someone else can go in and post every once in a while. 
It's also very easy with WordPress websites, which uses the same basic software to power both blogs and websites.
Your website is the first impression potential clients have of your company. If there's anything you can do to improve it, you should.
Setting the right tone in your "About Us" section is a great place to start. You want professional, but personable and accessible. 
This is where you'll be able to best show off what makes your company special and why it's worth people's time, so give yourself some room to breathe here. Include your employees' names, too. 
It will help visitors connect with them as people, not just part of a brand. When they see someone they can identify with, they'll feel more comfortable doing business with you.
When you're writing about your products or services, remember that short is sweet. Nobody wants to scroll through pages of text to find out what you're all about. 
Be succinct in your descriptions, but remember that you don't have a one-size-fits-all copy for this section—if someone's looking for a product or service like yours, they'll be typing the same keywords into their search bar that you used to describe it here. 
Make sure your copy matches the keywords they'll be using so that you come up in their search results!
One of the most important decisions for any business is how to communicate online. In this post, I'll provide some tips for designing a website that will help you build your brand, get more traffic, and ultimately make more money.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when creating a website is not taking into account how their customers will use it. 
One common pitfall is to overcomplicate things by making it hard for people to find what they're looking for. You want your users to be able to easily navigate your site. How do you make this happen?
If there's one thing I've learned in my time as a web designer, it's that anyone can create a pretty website – but only skilled professionals can create one that's also easy for visitors to use. 
Before you can even begin to think about how you want your site to look, you have to consider how your customers are going to be interacting with it.
987 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Mohammad Fahad Alam 987 days ago
Mohammad A Consider Your Credit Card Rewards Options
Rewards Visas are turning out to be progressively famous as individuals become more mindful of them and their advantages. In any case, with a confounding determination of various prize frameworks, it tends to be difficult to sort out which one is best for you.
Perhaps the greatest calculate figuring out which prize program is best for you is the way you need to utilize your card.
For instance, on the off chance that you're hoping to cover your bills surprisingly, you should zero in on cash back remunerations programs. These cards reward you for each dollar that you burn through, frequently with a level of what you've spent.
On the off chance that you convey an equilibrium from month to month on your Visa, then, at that point, financing cost rewards programs are more qualified to your requirements. These cards will give a specific measure of focus or cash back in view of the loan cost that you pay every month.
That's what this intends on the off chance that your financing cost is lower, so will the prizes that you acquire as well as the other way around. On the off chance that comfort is essential to you, travel rewards projects will suit your requirements best as they normally offer the most adaptability with regards to recovering places and miles for flights, inns and other travel-related costs.
Visa rewards projects and sign-up rewards are extraordinary methods for getting things you need free of charge. On the off chance that you're not previously utilizing your Visa rewards, you could be passing up many dollars of free stuff consistently.
One of the most significant charge card rewards programs is the movement rewards program. With these cards, you can procure focuses that can be recovered for movement at a pace of $0.01 per point.
In the event that you have a movement rewards Visa with a sign-up reward, verify whether it's worth the effort to burn through $3,000 in 90 days just to get the reward — provided that this is true, the rest is income sans work!
Most rewards Mastercards accompany a yearly expense, yet there are a lot of ways of compensating for it. A few cards offer a high level of money back on specific buys, others give focuses that can be recovered for gift vouchers or magnanimous gifts, and some significantly offer carrier miles or lodging focuses.
It's smart to consider how you'd utilize every sort of remuneration prior to picking a card. Burning through $1,000 on basic food items could get you $40 in real money back while spending a similar sum at Amazon would just get you 2% money-back — yet Amazon is where you're bound to spend your cash, at any rate, so paying with an Amazon Visa is the better choice.
There are a ton of decisions with regards to rewards for Visas. Each card has its own advantages, and some have rewards and advancements that can truly take your compensation to a higher level.
To assist you with finding the right one for you, here are a few speedy tips to consider as you settle on your choice:
-Consider what sorts of costs you need to pay consistently
-For instance, assuming you have a great deal of costs that require successive travel, consider a card with movement rewards
-In the event that you don't travel a lot, however you have a ton of repeating month to month expenses like bills or memberships, a money back card may be better for you.
On the off chance that you're one of the many individuals who as of now have a prize Visa, congrats! It's an extraordinary method for ensuring you're benefiting from your cash.
On the off chance that you don't have a prize card, that may be far superior — there are a lot of ways of profiting from having a Mastercard, and one of the most straightforward is basically involving it for your regular buys.
Rewards cards like the Chase Freedom card and Capital One Venture card offer a money back on specific classes, similar to supermarkets or service stations. A few cards have pivoting classifications consistently; some have yearly ones.
 The key is to focus on what those pivoting classes are, so you can amplify your spending and get the greatest value for your money.
In light of this procedure, assuming that you in all actuality do have one of these cards, ensure you really look at the terms prior to applying for different cards. Every one of these sorts of cards has its own arrangement of remunerations that can be utilized in various ways.
For instance, while some give cash back as credits on your proclamation, others give you focuses which can be transformed into gift vouchers or carrier miles sometime in the future. Assuming they're comparably organized, they might try and have the option to figure it out together to assist you with getting more worth of every dollar spent!
987 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Mohammad Fahad Alam 987 days ago
Mohammad A How To Stop Feeling Bored While Chatting
Talking with somebody can be an extraordinary method for looking into them and their inclinations, yet it can likewise be exhausting AF in the event that you're not ready.
The best discussions are the ones where you're ready to get somewhat private, however, are as yet having a great time. Living it up is the most effective way to cause somebody to feel happy with opening up dependent upon you and it that is genuinely captivating to get into a discussion.
At the point when the other individual feels like they can't unwind or have a great time, they're bound to begin feeling scared or apprehensive, which can prompt an awkward circumstance for both of you.
A portion of my #1 individuals to visit with are companions who don't actually share a ton practically speaking with me — I love it when somebody is energetic about a subject I don't know anything about!
The issue is that I'm many times exhausted when somebody is educating me concerning their speciality interest, yet rather than simply conceding to being uninterested or allowing the discussion to pass on, I continue attempting to make it fascinating. Assuming you're like me, this is the way you can quit being exhausted while visiting.
To quit feeling exhausted while visiting, you really want to initially concede that you're exhausted! Conceding that you're exhausted is an effective method for keeping a receptive outlook and being straightforward with yourself.
Some of the time, conceding fatigue is precisely the exact thing it takes to begin feeling intrigued once more. Whenever you've conceded you're exhausted, do whatever it takes not to act excessively negative or impartial so as not to demolish the discussion for every other person.
So how would you keep things fascinating, regardless of whether you're looking at something genuine? Here are a few ways to ensure your visits stay fun:
Pose inquiries that require something beyond a "yes" or "no" reply — open-finished questions offer the other individual more chances to talk and share about themselves. On the off chance that you might want to direct the discussion toward a fascinating point, have a go at asking what they appreciate doing in their leisure time.
You can likewise ask them how they've been for sure they consider a specific subject or late occasion that is received some conversational attention. Simply ensure you keep things applicable and don't hinder them while they're replying!
Imagine a scenario in which you know how to push a discussion along, yet you can't move beyond the ponderousness of an initial couple of moments. It's like you have a wide range of intriguing comments, however, nobody is prepared to tune in.
All things considered, I have a few hints and deceives for you! The following are 5 things that function admirably at moving beyond the underlying conversation starters:
1) Take it truly — on the off chance that you're exhausted and your companion isn't keen on catching wind of it, they won't be happy when you drag them into a discussion with your concerns. It merits requiring a couple of moments to plan yourself so that when somebody offers you their unified consideration, you're not exhausting them. (Once in a while it could try and make a superior story.)
2) Share something individual — this is a dependable technique for making somebody need to hear more from you. Trust me; put yourself out there and individuals will answer by giving of themselves too. What's more, assuming that they really do wind up exhausted? Indeed, basically, you did your absolute best with it.
3) Ask open-finished questions — this is my number one method for getting individuals to discuss themselves. Open-finished questions welcome individuals to discuss their contemplations and sentiments.
Companionships require correspondence, yet once in a while it very well may be a test to move a discussion along. It's so natural to get occupied while you're attempting to make a casual discussion with somebody — your brain meanders, you look ahead into the distance and intellectually present everything you really want to do that day, or perhaps you simply don't have any idea what else to say.
However, there are ways of trying not to feel like your interactive abilities are getting corroded. There are a few simple deceives you can attempt right since will make them think "Goodness, this individual is so fascinating!" rather than "I want to move away."
It's not difficult to get exhausted at parties, since individuals are in many cases in little gatherings discussing subjects that don't need a lot of support from others. It's difficult for anybody to remain connected for long when they're outward of an isolated discussion.
In the event that you're not a piece of the conversation, it's not difficult to feel like you're only there to be friendly, yet you have nothing significant to contribute — which is a recipe for fatigue.
Assuming you're like me, some of the time you feel like regardless of anything you do or how diligently you attempt to centre, the discussion is continuously floating away from you. You need to consider things to discuss, however you generally wind up slowing down for a time and trusting that your head is straight back.

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