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Merciert Liis

961 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Merciert Liis 961 days ago
Merciert L Know About The Tire Balancing And Why Is It Necessary? 
Cars are designed to cruise on the roads seamlessly. However, they need to  ascertain a balance to run in an optimal condition. As tyres make the primary  contact with the road, they should be driven at a certain balance. 
An imbalance in tyre set often results in vibrations, especially due to improper  steering. Besides, the car is often used for comfort while a vibrating vehicle  does offer a sign of discomfort. 
A balance is a tyres thing. It occurs due to certain conditions of the car's tyres.  However, car owners often take their vehicle for routine car maintenance but  overlook other issues such as wheel balancing. These are also essential  maintenance areas for a car that does bring a lot of value if they are taken into  consideration on time. 
Let's have a look at the tyre balancing in detail. 
What Does Tyre Balancing Signify? 
Tyre balancing is related to the difference in tyre size, shape and an extent  weight. Newly manufactured tyres seem to be in perfect shape and size while  they don't.  
They differ in the shape more or less. Such differences are not visible due to  naked eyes. A tyre might have a negligible difference in terms of shape. There  might be a thread imbalance at the edges or a size variation. 
Initially, such differences do not feel severe; however, they develop over time  as tyres experience more wear and tear. Such differences often impact the  overall driving condition and procure the vehicle imbalance. 
Under the tyre imbalance, the vehicle's wheel experiences external forces due  to asymmetric mass distribution around the axel. Such a condition often  produces the vibration around the vehicle including steering. 
These problems often come to light more often and it is necessary to keep a check on the same. Balancing the tyre is more than just preventing vibration. A worn tyre often loses grip on the surface of the road while it is most necessary  to gain momentum. 
On the other hand, the balanced tyres offer a better grip and assure a better  grip on the road. Besides, it also helps in managing a better fuel economy and  maintaining the tyre for a longer time. 
Apart from the other car service, wheel balancing is something you should not  neglect. However, it is necessary to approach a reliable service centre such as  Service My Car for hassle-free work. 
How Do You Notice A Tyre Imbalance? 
Vibration is the simplest sign of tyre imbalance. It often occurs during a drive.  An even weight distribution does not produce the vibration while improper  weight distribution causes the shakes that seem as vibration due to high-speed  rotations of the tyres. 
Tyre balancing becomes necessary if there is a sign of vibration during the  acceleration or deceleration. An unusual vibration in the steering wheel hints  at the issues with the front tyres. 
On the other hand, a sudden break often creates bald spots. Such spots do not  go well with the road surface. If it has been worn further, eventually offers the  imbalance of the tyres. 
Such spots are not for taken granted as uneven tyres cause the weight  imbalance. Therefore, inspect your tyres frequently or pay visits to a workshop  such as Service My Car. Our experts are ready to serve you with your car issues  including car engine repair, car transmission repair or car scanning and  diagnostics services on demand.  
When Do Your Car' Tyres Need Balancing? 
However, it does rely on the distance your car covers. A highly running car  needs frequent tyre balancing as compared to those that run frequently. 
However, the tyre balancing should be done once a car crosses the 10,000 KMs  successively.  
You should visit the service centre at least once a year if your vehicle is running  on the road regularly. 
Otherwise, if you notice some sort of vibration while driving, never delay your  visit to Service My Car. However, if you opt for a regular car service, never  forget to get an inspection by an expert. 
Why Does Wheel Balancing Necessary? 
Tyre balancing is a process of adjusting the tyre in some ways as an even tyre  should bear the weight in an equal manner around the vehicle. It is a different  practice than wheel alignment. 
As stated earlier, a slight imbalance often results in a loss of balance. It is a  difference due to the tread wear at the surface of tyres.  
Apart from a car service, having a tyre balancing is worth consideration. Such a  practice is quite necessary for the modern vehicle as they are manufactured to  be lightweight as compared to the older heavy vehicle.  
For a perfect condition, all four tyres should have even balance. A balanced  vehicle ensures optimal performance with a smooth drive. 
On the other hand, an imbalanced set of tyres has an adverse effect on tyres  while harming the entire wheel assembly. And, it often turns into a costly affair  if neglected for an extended period of time. 
Therefore, never delay such an essential service and call or book an car service in Manchester  online for Service MY Car.
1061 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Merciert Liis 1061 days ago
Merciert L The Comprehensive Car Maintenance Checklist That Every Car Owner Must Follow
Your car plays an integral role in your life. Today, your daily commute mostly depends on your cherished wagon. You go to your office, the shop, and various other places with your car. Numerous tasks require you to take your ride for a spin. Essentially, your mobility heavily relies on the four-wheeler.
However, your car is running unconditionally without any complaints. Being a machine, it is always prone to wear and tear. An unconscious approach may lead to sudden damage to specific components of your car.
Besides, every one of us always steers clear of reaching out to our pocket to pay for undesirable repairs. However, you can avoid such circumstances by just focusing on preventive measures in order to stay on top of your car maintenance.
You may have been driving your vehicle for some time now. Your car might need attention whether it is latest or regarded as aged. However, you can be on the top of your game by just executing a straightforward action. 
We bring you a comprehensive car maintenance checklist if you wish to cut your expenses while keeping your wagon in the desired state. It surely helps you to hit the road with confidence over and over. Let's have a look now.
Your car's engine oil needs to be changed
Your vehicle constitutes several moving parts. Especially, the engine, the heart of your car, needs a substantial level of lubrication to perform at its best. 
The lubricant works as a sealant against the trash, keeping the interior of an engine cool and at the same time, reducing the probability of wear and tear. Generally, most cars need to replace the engine oil at intervals. 
The timeline to take any action is after every 6 months or the 10,000 KM, whichever comes first. However, different manufacturers may have distinct parameters to replace the engine oil. Therefore, it is always good to go through the owner's manual to get the precise time limit of engine oil replacement of your car.
In case you are on the hunt for a trusted maintenance service provider. Our proficient professionals help you with the car oil change without any discomfort. It brings an unmatched value to your money while relying on our maintenance service. 
Scanning and diagnosing your car
Technology brings a lot of value to us. The on-board diagnostics is such as a great tool to take preventive measures. Its sensors can easily detect the fault in vital components in a car. If there is a malfunction, the tools generate the DTC (Diagnostics Trouble Codes). 
These fault codes help a mechanic pinpoint the root cause of an issue. However, car scanning and diagnostics bring safety to your car and keep you safe from making the extra expense of paying the mechanic or purchasing a part.
Our on-board diagnostics services help you keep your car abreast in many ways. Let's look at the areas that can help - 
  • Any fault with your car engine's components
  • Detecting the issue for your car transmission repair
  • Finding problems with brake responsiveness
  • Protecting your car's exhaust system by detecting any potential fault or contamination
  • Highlighting the wear and tear in essential components such as fuel injection, radiator, etc.
Your car battery is expiring
A car engine works like a heart, while the battery is the pulse that provides the necessary kick. However, no one would like to hear just the clicking sound of ignition and then just silence. 
You can avoid the sheer frustration of twisting your keys again and again. A car battery works well until it is in good condition. 
However, it is necessary to replace your car battery once you have driven your car for a while. At Service My Car, we provide hassle-free car battery replacement relying on our years of expertise for various vehicles.
Your car's AC is down
The air conditioner is not just a part of a car; it plays a vital role to beat the heat for a comfortable ride amid high temperatures. However, the extended utilisation of the air conditioner does take a toll on its performance; even it may need some repair at intervals.
In case your car's AC is not blowing the air properly or is low on refrigeration, you have to collect the necessary equipment for your car AC repair. 
Besides, our team of mechanics brings a level of expertise to rectify any issue with your car's air conditioner in the shortest possible time.
Your car's engine needs some attention
An engine operates the motor vehicle to bring you mobility. However, the engine is utilised far more as compared to other parts of your car. Yet, it can face a variety of issues over time.
The engine usually experiences obstructions by several issues. Some of them are - 
  • Ignition switch issue
  • Starter motor relay problem
  • Weary fuel pump
  • Corrupted filters or unchanged oil
However, car engine repair is not everyone's job. It needs high expertise with a level of focus on details. At Service My Car, our technicians make use of their proficiency to analyse the issues before their occurrence to keep you and your car away from any trouble.
Improper wheel alignment
Driving a car with improper wheel alignment may lead to wear and tear to the tyres prematurely. This condition could pose a risk to the person's safety during a ride. The weak tyres could be the reason for an unprecedented accident.
Besides, the car's engine has to push itself in order to manage the misaligned wheels resulting in more fuel consumption.
As a part of our maintenance service, we assure you that your car's wheel alignment should be in proper condition before your leave us to hit the road.
Is your car's timing belt intact?
A car engine has to be in sync with several internal parts which move for different operations. A timing belt is used to synchronise the typical movement of parts inside an engine. This rubber belt helps in interlocking the cogwheels of the crankshaft with the camshafts.
If you ignore the condition of the timing belt, it might get worn after extended usage over time. Therefore, the timing belt should be replaced before it wears down. 
As an essential part of our service, we perform your timing belt replacement to keep your vehicle at the top.
Refresh your car with detailing
Your car generally becomes dirty while rushing through the road. Therefore, it frequently needs quick dusting to offer you the optimal space for commuting. Car detailing is a great solution to keep your car abreast as it is far more meticulous than just the standard wash.
At Service My Car, we offer both interiors as well as exterior car detailing. The interior detailing focuses on precisely cleaning interior parts, including cabin, carpet, upholstery, door interior, etc. The exterior detailing cleans the outer part and waxes the same for the delicate shine.
The mechanical engineering product is a complex composition of several parts that enable commuting from one place to another. Therefore, a fault at one unit can have an adverse effect on others or even on your car performance. 
Essentially, it needs frequent comprehensive maintenance to avoid undesirable consequences, especially while driving. At Service My Car, we serve our expertise for comprehensive car recovery based on your demand. You get the best BMW service and BMW brake service, at the best BMW service center in the region, at the best value.
With all-encompassing coverage of all your car maintenance needs, there's no total solution that's quite like Service My Car. We have three booking options to make things even more convenient for you. 
Get started today by making a booking on our website, by downloading the Service My Car app, or by calling us. Leave the car maintenance to us and unwind at home.
1146 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Merciert Liis 1146 days ago
Merciert L Top FAQs on Car Maintenance in 2021
Despite the plethora of innovations we've witnessed over the last two centuries, purchasing a  car is one of the most significant investments we can make. Moreover, it's an absolute priority  for many of us. We tend to like our car more than anything else.   
On a long-term basis, car maintenance is necessary. There will be consequences to deal with,  and those repairs can become expensive. It's no surprise that some of the most common  queries asked on Google are about car maintenance. As your resident auto service experts, we  thought we'd dig deep and answer the most common questions asked about car maintenance. 
With that out of the way, let's examine the top FAQs on car maintenance in 2021. So, what are the top FAQs on car maintenance in 2021? 
Q1. How to keep a car engine in good condition? 
We all know that the car engine is considered the heart of the car. Checking your engine will  regularly help keep it in good shape and increase its durability. With that in mind, here are  some tips to keep your engine healthy: 
• Check the cooling system regularly 
• Check the air filter periodically 
• Look for any leaks 
• Replace the engine oil regularly 
• Avoid being on reverse fuel 
• Don't ignore the warning light 
• Don't rev hard 
Facing any car engine issues? Check out the best car engine repair Dubai has to offer. 
Q2. How do timing belts work? 
A timing belt is necessary to keep the engine running internally. Timing belts are vital for  coordinating the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft in the internal combustion of the car  engine. 
The operation of the timing belt is cyclical. Its primary function is to turn the camshaft pulley,  synchronizing this pulley with the crankshaft pulley. The timing belt synchronizes the valves and  pistons at the right time with push cams on the camshaft. 
It's similar to cycling a bike. The cams must reach the upper part of the cycle before the valves  and pistons drive them down again. Time to get a timing belt replacement? Look no further  than Service My Car. 
Q3. What's the difference between a camshaft and a crankshaft? 
The crankshaft is a moving part of the internal combustion engine (ICE). Its principal function is  to transform the linear motion of the piston into rotation motion. The pistons are linked to the  crankshaft by the rods.  
A camshaft on an internal combustion engine is a device that controls both fuel intake and  exhaust. It consists of multiple radial cams, each moving the intake and exhaust valves. The  camshaft connects the crankshaft through a belt, chain or gears. 
Q4. What causes the engine to overheat? 
Overheating is one of the issues that could cause severe damage to the car. Engines can  overheat for many reasons. These include:  
• A damaged radiator 
• Poor piping (hoses) 
• Contaminated coolant 
• Coolant leaks 
• Broken water pump 
• Malfunctioning thermostat 
• A bad exhaust system 
Q5. How long can a car battery sit unused? 
It depends on the condition of your car battery. If the battery is new and has been in good  condition, it can probably remain unused for about two weeks before it gets flat. 
If your car is left unused for over two weeks, you need professional assistance. If your battery is  dead, your brakes may also have suffered from corrosion if they have been wet for an extended  period without use. 
In most cases, you'll need a car battery replacement. Get the most convenient car battery  replacement at Service My Car.  
Q6. How do you keep your car in good condition?
There are a few things to keep in mind for vehicles to operate smoothly. Check out these steps  to keep your car in good shape:  
• Keep tabs and get a car oil change periodically 
• Have the cooling systems flushed and change your coolant 
• Change your transmission fluid when necessary 
• Keep tabs on, and change, the brake fluid when required 
• Get a car wash periodically 
• Protect your car from harsh climates by getting car detailing work done 
• Get a wheel alignment whenever required 
Q7. Why is my car AC not cooling fast? 
AC troubles in your car can ruin your day in no time. The most frequent causes of air  conditioning breakdowns are leaks or compressor problems. If your air is blowing hot air, the  problem could be a blocked filter, a cooling fan problem, or a radiator problem.  
It could just be that you have to repair your car AC. It might be caused by leaks, so it's best to  also get your AC compressor checked. 
Q8. How often should I change my car oil? 
Even if you don't drive a lot or get to the recommended mileage interval, it's best to change  your oil twice a year. Your oil can be good. It is the humidity in your engine that is the real  enemy.  
If you do not run your car for very long very often, the engine will not be hot enough to burn off  this moisture. Your oil will not be as effective in lubricating your engine, ultimately resulting in  shorter engine life. As such, you can always get a quick car oil change at Service My Car.  
Q9. What can cause a flat tyre? 
There's no escape. At some point, you are likely to have a flat tyre. However, it's just a matter  of how bad the puncture is and where it is on your tyre. Luckily, we can sort out your flat tyre issues in a jiffy with our swift roadside assistance service.  
Q10. What if it rains after a windshield replacement? 
After your car windshield replacement, you may ask yourself if you can move your car  outdoors, allowing it to sit in the rain. Professionals use UV light to help your windscreen resin  dry quickly. Once the polymer has dried, you can use your car as you would typically do so. 
Hopefully, these 10 FAQs give you more clarity on car maintenance. Follow these practices to  get the best out of your car for the long road.  
Taking good care of your priced possession requires a lot of time and effort. Why not leave all  the hard work to us? If you’re looking for your Mercedes service in Dubai. So, you can connect with us and we will take your Mercedes to the best Mercedes service center Dubai.  We'll pick up, service, and deliver your car back to you in no time.  
Book a service or repair today on our website or on the Service My Car Super App.
1222 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Merciert Liis 1222 days ago
Merciert L The 5 Best Ways to Improve Car Mileage
We've all been there before. A new and shiny car adorns the surface of our driveway. The salesman  had a lot to say about the car's performance and its mileage. However, we're left concerned about  the mileage. The car simply doesn't seem to be delivering on all our expectations.  
If you're left scratching your head at how your new car is performing, welcome to the gang. We've  all experienced the same feelings. And from that experience comes guidance. By this point, you  know where to go for all your automotive maintenance tips.  
Let's look at some of the best ways to improve a car's mileage and get the best out of its  performance for the long road.  
What are the 5 best ways to improve your car's mileage? 
Keep a constant check on your tyre air pressure 
Tyre air pressure is a great starting point. It's also essential when it comes to improving mileage. As  we've stated before, your tyres are especially important when it comes to maintenance. This is  because it's the only component that makes contact with the road when you drive.  
As a result, you're highly advised to maintain the right amount of tyre air pressure. Keeping tabs on  the pressure levels of all four tyres every two weeks or so is the best way to go. Here's a quick  refresher on how to do so - there's a label on the inside of the car that indicates the ideal tyre air  pressure levels as advised by the car manufacturer.  
Follow this guide and ensure your air pressure levels are maintained as per your car manufacturer's  standards.  
Follow gradual and steady acceleration and braking 
Forget about the adrenaline-inducing stunt driving you see in your favourite movies. You're not Dom  Toretto, Knight Rider or Bullitt. It's best to maintain a gradual and steady speed when you're  accelerating or braking.  
This is because repetitive acceleration and deceleration can result in unnecessary fuel combustion.  As a result, you're advised to maintain a constant velocity. This helps you save fuel, thus, improving  your car's mileage.  
Maintain optimal engine speed levels 
Let's dive into some technicalities here. Lower engine speeds result in vibrations emanating from the  car. Increased engine speeds with relatively minor gearshifts result in improved mileage.  
Changing gears is also very important to ensure high mileage. If the engine speed is 70 km/h and you  are on 1st or 2nd speed, the mileage decreases. The engine speed determines your mileage and not  the exact road speed. Try to maintain optimal engine speed levels with low gearshifts to get the best  possible mileage from your car.  
Use the air conditioner wisely 
A lot of people tend to turn off the AC for better mileage. However, it's not always correct. For  instance, if you drive on the highway at 80 km/h with the AC turned off, you're not going to save a  lot of mileage. 
In other instances, such as heavy traffic, it's recommended to leave your AC on. If the AC is turned  off, an additional load is added to the compressor. 
Follow a rigid car maintenance system 
As we've always stated, following a rigid car maintenance system is absolutely vital to improve your  car on all fronts. It goes without saying, but this includes your car's mileage as well.  
Get a car service done at least twice a year. Clean your air filter, change the engine oil, check the  fluids, inspect the tyres, and do anything else that's essential for your car. Research has shown that  periodic car servicing helps you improve your car mileage by up to 40%. 
If you've read this far and you're wondering where to get your Mercedes Benz service, then look no further than  Service My Car. We're a modern car maintenance solution that gives you access to the region's  largest car service network. Service My Car helps you to choose the best and nearest Mercedes Benz service center in Dubai for servicing. 
Moreover, booking a car service with us has never been easier. You can choose a service package, fill  in all relevant details, and have your car picked up from home. Now how's that for convenience?  
Get the best mileage out of your car today. Book a car service at Service My Car in two easy ways - on our website or on the Service My Car Super App.
1249 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Merciert Liis 1249 days ago
Merciert L Not Sure When to Get Your Spark Plugs Replaced? Look for These 6 Signs 
Most drivers are led to believe that whenever they have trouble starting their car, it's a problem  with the battery. While this could be one possible factor, it's important to note that it's not the only  factor. 
Sometimes, it could just be old or faulty spark plugs. While most people aren't aware of this, spark  plugs play a decisive role in getting your car running in no time. It might be time to change your  spark plugs whenever your car starts acting up, especially when you try to start it. 
Fortunately, we've made it easy to identify when your spark plugs need replacing with this guide.  Read on to find out when to change your spark plugs by paying attention to the following symptoms. 
When's  it a good time to change your spark plugs?
When your car has trouble starting
As its name suggests, your spark plugs provide the energy required to get your engine started and  running. Every time you attempt to start your car, the spark plugs provide the spark to power your  engine for the duration of the drive. 
If your car has trouble starting, it typically suggests that either your spark plugs, or your battery,  could be the problem. If the car stalls as it starts, it hints towards old or faulty spark plugs. If the car  doesn't start at all, it's most likely the battery that's the problem. 
When your 'check engine' light turns on
There have been cases where faulty spark plugs or spark plug wires have rendered the 'check engine'  light to turn on. In fact, car technology has improved a lot, especially when it comes to notifying the  driver about potential faults. 
The auto service experts at Service My Car have stated that if you have worn-out spark plugs, the  most obvious sign would be the 'check engine' light turning on. 
When the engine idles roughly and can be heard
It's best to turn down the music, shut all your windows, and pay close attention to the engine's  rumble for this one. If you happen to hear any rattling or knocking sounds coming from the engine, it  might hint towards faulty or worn-out spark plugs.
When your car won't accelerate quick enough
As you drive your car regularly, you get used to how it handles and accelerates. If you start noticing  any oddities in its responsiveness, especially when you try to accelerate, it denotes that your spark  plugs might need to be replaced.
When you find yourself filling fuel more often than usual
Worn-out spark plugs tend to increase your car's fuel consumption since your engine doesn't burn  the fuel efficiently enough. As a result, old, faulty, or worn-out spark plugs tend to take a toll on your  mileage. 
If you find signs that your car needs more juice than expected, it's likely that your spark plugs have  to be replaced. 
When your car manufacturer says it's time
We've said this before, and we'll say it forever. It's a rule of thumb that your manufacturer and  owner's manual have to be consulted in any matters of car maintenance. 
As such, you're always advised to follow the recommended service intervals prescribed by your  manufacturer. These service intervals will also dictate when your spark plugs have to be replaced, as  it's typically recommended every 130,000km. 
However, if you happen to notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, it's best to get your engine  and spark plugs checked by a reputed garage. If you continue to drive with faulty spark plugs, it  could result in much more devastating and expensive engine damage. 
Moreover, you can't put off such tasks anymore since several modern and convenient auto service  solutions exist. The best such solution is Service My Car. 
Whether you're looking for you Dodge routine service, or you want your Dodge engine to be checked in particular,  they have it all. Your car is taken to the best and nearest Dodge service center Dubai, fixed, and delivered back to you. You  can get all this done from the comfort of your home by simply making a booking online. 
Don't delay getting your spark plugs replaced. Book now on the Service My Car website or on the  Service My Car app.

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